Tom & Linda Day

Sunday, February 1, 2015


February 1, 2015


Christmas day brought about 10 inches of snow. Nothing since. What happened to winter? Perhaps it’s too soon to count winter out. We’re headed to St. George next Thursday to spend a 4 nights for short get-a-way. Looking forward to temps in the 60’s while there. I’ll stop by Danny’s to sign another year’s lease on the way back. Danny broke another two crowns, an ongoing issue with him. He said the last one was when he was eating a Ritz cracker…..go figure.

Not a lot on the calendar this past month. I stopped smoking 13 years ago – I keep tract of it like a birthday and celebrate every January 5th. I keep reading/hearing of all the good news in our country – unemployment way down, the economy growing every quarter, housing up, stock market way up, all the leading economic indicators up, basically good times. I blame Obama. Speaking of politics, Romney announced he’s not running in 2016. Too bad – now the republicans have a chance of winning the White House. I don’t think the country can stomach Hilary Clinton – me included. I still remember the last go around, when about 9 candidates on the republican side traded months leading the pack because nobody really wanted Romney, and month by month, the current month’s leader would stick their foot in their mouth, or have some embarrassing past issue brought up, and another candidate would take the lead for a month or so. Of the 9 or so candidates that would appear on stage in the debates, the only one who didn’t lead the pack at one point or another was Jon Huntsman, Utah’s former governor. I could actually support him, as he is a moderate similar to me. Of course in Utah, a moderate is a flaming democrat, about as far left as you can get on the plank without being ousted to Nevada with Senator Reid.

Linda and I saw a very good play at the U this past month, The Alabama Story. Just a great reminder of the prejudice that existed just 55 years ago in the late 50’s when we all grew up. The play is all about a children’s book about two bunny rabbits that live in the forest and get married. The author and illustrator, when designing the book, made one bunny black and one white to distinguish male versus female. But to a legislator in Alabama, this children’s book was encouraging children to accept interracial marriage between a male and female in the human race. I think it’s going to take another generation, maybe two, for this mind set to completely disappear.

We also saw a couple of movies – Birdman – we still can’t figure that one out. And The Theory of Everything, about Steve Hawkins, an excellent movie. We joined Stephanie and her kids to a day trip to The Hardware Ranch east of the Logan area. They have been feeding elk there since the 1940’s to encourage them from migrating down into the Logan valley where they disrupt farm life. The State of Utah sets up wagon tours pulled by horses that take you right through the 400 to 500 elk that don’t seem to mind the people or horses on the wagons within 10 to 15 feet away. The person guiding the horses stops several times and talks about the elk, the tradition, history and interesting facts surrounding their migration and habitat. They do this December through March, and when there’s enough snow, the wagon is replaced by a sleigh. Our trip was on a wagon with wheels. We stopped in Logan to go to one of the cheese factory stores, Gossner I believe, and bought locally produced milk in cartons that doesn’t need refrigeration, cheese and butter. Then we stopped at a local Mexican restaurant recommended by Shelley. A nice trip, although when I asked Jessica (age 12) on the ride back home if she would rate the trip to the elk as a 7 or 8, she said, no, maybe a 5.

Speaking of Jessica, she recently participated in a ballroom dance contest between schools, and won a gold ribbon. She takes ballroom dancing as an extracurricular activity in the 6th grade, and is looking forward to trying out for the school play next week. Christopher, Debbie’s 25 year old, and his girlfriend, Mariah, have announced a new edition to the family due in mid March. Debbie is putting together a baby shower in a few weeks for Mariah. It looks like the Day name will live on, as they are expecting a boy.

A lady neighbor across the street came down ill at Thanksgiving, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer at Christmas, and died three weeks later. We attended her funeral, and can’t believe how one’s life can come to an end so abruptly without any advance warning. Her husband Chris is an all around carpenter who builds cabinets in his garage, as well as remodels homes. He put in the safety rails in our bathrooms and handrail on our basement stairs when Linda had knee surgery and needed more safety. We discovered we were in the same National Guard unit as medics at the same time, but didn’t really know each other personally. He went to Ft. Ord in California for his training, while I went to Ft. Polk in Louisiana. We both went to Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio, but at different times. Small world.

Linda crocheted a baby blanket for her hairdresser’s new baby born a week ago. And we enjoy using her washcloths in the kitchen that she has crocheted over the past year. Linda is not delighted to start prep for her scheduled colonoscopy in three days. I mean, three days prior, there are dos and don’ts as to what to eat – this all in addition to the dreaded night before activities leading up to the required procedure all elderly people get to enjoy in their old age! Or not! And it will be performed by Dr. Sosselheimer, the same doctor who performed my first colonoscopy 15 years ago on Halloween day. I’ll never forget being wheeled into the procedure room groggy, and looking up at this tall man dressed as a nurse with lipstick on – remember – it was Halloween day, and him introducing himself as my doctor……………for a colonoscopy…….and then I was out.

And that’s the news, the whole news, and the only true news from Zion. Tom

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day Family Newsletter - December 2014

January 1, 2015


Christmas always highlights music for me. In fact, music is a big part of my life, even though I don't sing in a choir or play the piano much anymore. But listening to music, now that's a passion of mine. Gospel, blues, rock & roll, LDS hymns, Christmas music....and on and on. Sometimes lying in bed at night before going to sleep, I find myself humming/composing in my mind gospel or blues type music, improvising the melody all over the place. Am I nuts, or do any of you do something similar?

We enjoyed having dinner one evening with Shelley as we exchanged books to read, got her Santa $ for Danny's Christmas, delivered gifts (for Danny and hers to us). We also took Linda's brother, Steve to dinner one night for his Christmas gift. Had dinner another night with friends. And we enjoyed New Years Eve with friends at dinner as well. Today, we attended Mark & Pat Tsuyuki's son's (Chris) wedding & reception. Very nice - held in one of the beautiful garden rooms of a local mortuary - they have several garden rooms they rent out for weddings or special occasions.

We had a wonderful Christmas with all the kids/grandkids. As usual, Linda prepared a nice turkey/ham sandwich buffet with deviled eggs, salads, stuffing, veggie tray, cheese ball and lots of other treats/deserts. It snowed early Christmas morning, and we awoke to about 5 or 6 inches on snow. It didn't stop, and by the time nightfall came, we had about 10 inches - I had to shovel three times. This is the first real snow storm of the year in Salt Lake. Because of the heavy snow, Steph and her kids slept over Christmas night before heading back home the next day. Because I kept snoring, little Taylor (6 yrs old) kept waking me up to tell me to stop snoring. She finally got in her Mom's bed after 4 or 5 attempts to get me to stop snoring.

I spent a half day with Danny attending his annual DSPD meeting with the state rep and TURN rep. All went well. I took him Christmas shopping for $15 gift cards (Subway) for siblings and a few tins of popcorn or chocolates for friends. We attended Danny's 71st birthday bash at Chuck-O-Rama in Lehi that Derek organized. About 30 to 35 people came, and it was fun visiting with old group home house parents, cousins, nephews/nieces.

Linda gave all the kids the washcloths she made with a wooden spoon and candy cane. She also gave the lady who does her hair a nice throw she crocheted for her new baby coming in a few months. Linda and I shopped this year at a garden center for three of our girls who garden. We put together a basket full of veggie seeds, miracle grow, spade tools, markers to label rows of veggies, some garden art - like a head start on next year's garden.

Attended Jack’s first piano recital (Katie & Bills 5 year old) – so proud of him. Linda and I saw Peter & the Star catcher, a good play at the U of U. While I watched the U of U football bowl game, Linda, Steph and kids and Debbie’s Kaylee went to see the movie Annie. They also spent the day making Christmas candy & cookies. Kaylee slept over that night. Linda and I saw a good movie called Big Eyes. I was rooting for BYU in their bowl game, although the post game festivities reminded me of ward b-ball. I’ll never forget Jim Wooley walking out of the bleacher seats during an M-Men b-ball game and flooring the ref with a roundhouse right because he didn’t like the call he just made. Or the skirmishes in general and roughhouse action under the boards in many games during my ward b-ball days. Sally Heath’s boyfriend (a U of U football player named Merlin Driggs if I remember right), weighing in at about 250 pounds compared to my 135 pounds at age 19, told me while running down the court side by side that if I touched him again, he would floor me on the spot. I guess I was a little rough on him working on rebound position.

I started exercising again this past month per doctor orders. This, to extend life/improve quality of life. We keep seeing examples people we know who are having major health issues, and we’d just assume not being another statistic. On a more positive note, today I had two “dream headlines” published in the SL Tribune newspaper. It’s an annual thing they do, asking people to think of headlines they would like to see in the newspaper in the coming year – serious or light hearted. Mine were “Prison replaces oil refineries” (they are trying to decide if moving the prison to another location would be wise, but there is much public opposition to having a prison moved to their area), and the polluting North Salt Lake oil refineries are a big contributor to our annual inversions. The second one: “Jazz trade Toyota dealership for Durrant” – a more light hearted one.

I read a book Shelley got me about a Mormon growing up in Bountiful and his life/trials/adventures/music passion. She knows the authors brother, and now I’m going to read the 2nd book covering his teenage years and mission. The author is now working on the post mission and 3rd and final book. I am currently reading Jon Huntsman Sr.’s book, “Barefoot to Billionaire”. As he is our second cousin, don’t you think it would be proper for him to set aside a few million for each of us?

And that’s the news. Happy New Year. Tom & Linda

Monday, December 1, 2014

Day Family Newsletter - November 2014


We had everyone over for my birthday on the 1st – Linda made lasagna and we had some pizza delivered. Thanks for the cards most of you sent. Later in the week Linda and I went to a play at the U of U, Two Guvnors, a cute comedy.

We attended Julie Bertoch’s graveside service. We had a nice lunch with Shelley, Danny & Derek at a neat Avenues deli (Cucinas) that Shelley recommended. Earlier in the month we attended a viewing of someone I used to work with at Motor Vehicles. Now we hear of JD’s father dying, JD being the one who used to drive Danny around until he lost his driver’s license. It’s like death comes in threes, or fours if you count Kenny Horman.

Stuart and Debbie dropped Kaylee off one Saturday for a sleepover while they went to Wendover. It was so much fun having her over. We took her to the new aquarium in Draper – what a neat, neat, place! Kaylee (9 yrs old now) is growing in leaps and bounds, and has braces, and is just a doll!
Later in the month, Katie & Bill wanted to have a night off to celebrate Bill’s birthday, and we had Jack (5 yrs), Sofie (3 yrs) and Hazel (7 months) sleep over. It was likewise so much fun having them over – Jack is the cutest guy with big dimples in both cheeks, Sofie is miss bossy/extremely intelligent/cute/adoring all together, and Hazel is wide eyed and completely aware of everything going on – look out for her. And this time, Hazel slept the whole night thru! Jack helped me put up the Christmas tree, and figured out how the base hooks together – I was having trouble.

Linda and I went to the Southtown Sandy Christmas vendor show where they have hundreds (it seemed like) vendors selling everything under the sun, especially stuff for Christmas. By the third or 4th booth, we had pretty well spent the budget, although I convinced Linda to take care of my Christmas gift by buying a 72 hour food storage kit along with two 30 day bucket supplies as well. I bought an extra butane tank for our outdoor grill, and we are now ready for the “end”, if we survive. Like a bad earthquake, and if we survive, I can pull emergency supplies out from the garage back door area (tent, sleeping bags, blow up mattress with battery to do the blowing, food supply, extra butane tank, and water filter for the hot tub in the back yard gazebo). At least, that’s the plan and unless the earthquake knocks the garage down, or if neighbors come over with guns to take our supplies, and I only have a shovel to fend them off…….am I going to have to buy a gun? Ugh.

Linda and I took Danny to the Provo airport for his 6 day/5night trip to the Rheads for Thanksgiving. He’ll tell you all about it in his newsletter. I watched Steph’s two youngest, Sarah (8 yrs) and Taylor (6 yrs) for the Saturday AM black shopping weekend that Jackie, Katie, Stephanie and Linda ventured out to. They said it was not that busy. The next day (Sunday), after Katie and Bill picked their kids up; we drove up to Steph’s for our 2nd Thanksgiving dinner. It was simply delicious, and fun to celebrate Thanksgiving again in Syracuse. It also gave me a chance to take her kids shopping for their Mom, and Jessica wrapped all their presents after dinner. Jessica knows how to wrap gifts now, as she had spent the day before working from 9AM until 10PM working as a gift wrapper at Barnes & Noble in Layton along with numerous other girl scouts raising money for their cause. Jessica had originally signed up for the 9 to 1PM shift, but begged her Mom to work the 1PM to 5PM as well. And when Steph went to pick her up, she begged to work the 5PM to 10PM shift too! Jessica just turned 12, and never runs out of energy. Jessica shared my birthday celebration, as her birthday is on the 6th, and she picked the dessert, raspberry cheesecake (Linda made them). Jessica is now 3 inches taller than her Mom.

Linda has kept busy this past month working part time a few hours per day, crocheting more dishcloths and blankets for babies. She also had lunch out with an old friend one day. Linda made her traditional famous cheese ball; brussel sprouts with cream sauce covered with cheese, jello with raspberry and whipped topping (only in Utah) for our Thanksgiving contribution at Jackie & Wiggins this year. About18 in all this year, and they did a bang up job – everybody brought something to help out. Cole & Jessica (Jackie’s) came with their Emry (5 yrs) and Jax (2yrs) – our first two great grandchildren. They are the neatest couple with the cutest kids! Wiggin’s kids spent Thanksgiving this year with their Mom.

I just read a book about Lincoln, the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith that Jackie/Wiggins gave me for my birthday. When I opened the cover, I realized it was written by the guy who Wiggins goes on the sex slave rescue operations with Operation Underground Railroad. Tim is the CEO/founder, and explains how his passion about rescuing underage kids comes from the rescue the Mormons needed from the States when they were persecuted. An about face, as now a lot of people feel they need to be rescued from the Feds, not the States. He explains that the 13th and 14th amendments came about after the Civil War, and finally gave the Mormons, as well as blacks, the protection they needed, even if it came late. He ties together Lincoln, the civil war, the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith in our country’s evolution that led to the growth of the LDS church, and temples being allowed to dot the land. Hey, I’m not saying I buy into this – but I read the book and enjoyed it. I’m lending it to Shelley in turn for a book that she’s read, another Mormon related book. In between, I read a couple of novels by Danielle Steel and Nicholas Sparks, Winners & The Best of Me. And I’m starting Brothers Karamazov on my Reader. Reincarnation, by the way, is still the deal for me.

Utah pretty much did what I expected in football, except they won two games out of the last four to end up 8 and 4, their best showing in quite some time. And BYU won 4 straight to end up on a positive note. There was a full page ad in the Tribune this past Sunday from an anonymous BYU fan imploring LDS Utah fans to also root for BYU when they were playing opponents other than Utah. I’ve finally decided to try his/her approach this past year – perhaps because they are not playing each other – too bad, Utah could have been 9 and 4. Still, I’ve been rooting for the Cougs, and this without a constitutional amendment telling me I had to.

The Zito’s annual X-Mas Eve dinner that we’ve attended for the past 47 years of our marriage has been canceled this year due to Bob Zito’s failing health (kidneys). Bob’s family is the one who originally bought the St. George condo that we eventually bought into about 10 years ago. Nikki’s dad, Grant married Linda’s mom, Beth about one year before Linda and I got married. Bob is 79 years old. When Deon and Steve called me on my birthday, Steve mentioned that our estimated age longevity is now about 84. So I figure I’ve got 15 years left, unless………Karin, you’re much closer. Perhaps that’s why you forgot my birthday this year. Point being, it seems to me there are a lot of people close to our age dying lately, not aunts/uncles/parents. I guess that means we’re up. What an awful way to end a newsletter. Hey, have a Merry Christmas and New Year.

Tom & Linda

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Day Family Newsletter - October 2014


Linda went to Jack’s grandparents day lunch at his school. He’s Katie/Bill’s 5 year old and attends kindergarten at Dilworth Elementary (about 5 blocks east of where we all grew up). I went golfing one weekend, and it might be the last round I get in before the cold weather sets in. We saw a good show called The Equalizer, another not that great called Gone Girl.
The highlight of the month was a weeklong trip to St. George in the middle of the month. We drove up to Cedar City the day after arriving to see two plays in the Shakespeare Festival. Both were great – Boeing, Boeing, and Sherlock Holmes, The Last Adventure.

Other activities included a movie, a trip to Mesquite, Nevada to donate some money, although we hardly donated any this trip. We did some swimming, golfing, shopping, and lots of relaxing. We also went to a lecture at the local college featuring an Under Secretary of State. She spoke of her role in the ongoing nuclear treaty efforts worldwide to bring everyone in the world into agreement on disarmament, testing, etc.

The day after arriving home, we attended Thriller, a performance done every year by Odyssey Dance. Jessica, Steph’s 11 year old, as well as Steph went with us to see it. It’s about the 3 or 4th time each of us has seen it. Kind of like going to The Nutcracker, except this one is Halloween themed. Zombies roam through the crowd prior to starting to get everyone in the right mood.

I’ve enjoyed seeing the social changes going on in our society, i.e. the non ruling by the Supreme Court to give gays equal rights, the LDS church liberalizing their view/stance on gays, women being allowed to attend male priesthood meetings, displaying diversity by having people give speeches in conference in their mother language, women praying in conference, and now the women’s meeting being made part of conference. Next thing you know they’ll bring ward basketball back to its rightful place!

I stopped by to say hello to Cole and Jessica & family one day after dropping Danny off at Derek’s home in Lehi. Cole took me out to his back yard where he has a dummy deer set up in one corner, and he showed me how he shoots arrows standing 50 yards away. He first shot hit the bulls eye on the deer’s side (about 5” by 7” target) dead center! I haven’t heard if he got a deer or not this year, but he goes bow hunting every year. He’s got my interest up in this sport of shooting arrows. I may try it sometime, although he had about 60 lbs. of pressure on his bow, and I couldn’t pull it back. So I may need to beef up to do the sport.

It’s been an interesting month in sports. Four weeks ago, BYU was on its way to a possible undefeated season and participation in a big bowl game with a Heisman quarterback candidate, and nationally ranked. Utah was 2 and 1, having lost their 1st PAC12 game to Washington and on their way to another mediocre season. NOW, FOUR WEEKS LATER, it’s Utah at 6 and 1, ranked nationally and bowl eligible already, and BYU…………..well……let’s just say they are hoping to have a mediocre season, and leave it at that. But, hey, the season’s not over……anything could happen. With Utah playing three teams the next four weeks all ranked higher than their 18th national ranking, we’ll be lucky to get one win out of that stretch. And the Y, with them playing some low level teams, including Bingham High I believe, could win the next four games!

The last day of our vacation, Linda started having pains in her lower right abdomen. Long story short, the next morning, rather going to work, I took Linda down to St. Marks ER to be looked at. At about 3 PM, she had her appendix out, and we were home at about 8 PM that night. She is recovering well, still not 100%, but getting there. We stayed home for the first time in maybe 20 years for Halloween to hand out candy. We had about 20 to 30 kids is all.

And that’s the news, and the only true news from here in Zion. Tom

PS: Go Utes, and OK……love thy neighbor, go Cougars too.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Day family newsletter - Sept. 2014

Sept. 30, 2014


Linda and I tried twice to see the fall colors turning in the canyons. Our first attempt was the first week in the month and we drove the Alpine Loop – you enter from Alpine/Highland and drive some 26 miles on a very small asphalt road clear to Sundance. Too soon for the colors, we found out, but we had a nice lunch in the bar at Sundance, and enjoyed a great group performing out in the ski lift area for an hour or so. This past weekend, we figured the colors had to be ready, and drove up Big Cottonwood canyon; once again no colors – either too late, or they’re not changing this year. But we enjoyed a walk around Silver Lake in Brighton (where there were some yellow leaves), and then a great dinner at Silver Fork CafĂ© on the way down.

Tom Smith (from the old Redondo neighborhood) and I met up with our old boss when we mopped floors at Albertsons grocery stores after high school to earn money for college. It was good to see Joe Rawle; he lived just east of the Wilkes in one of the duplexes where Ted Bundy later lived just before he was first arrested for an attempted kidnapping. And we enjoyed swapping stories/memories.

We were invited to a friend’s house (John Jarman of the Cabin Classic group). They spent just over one year remodeling their home on the street furthest north above the avenues. Now we know how the upper 1% lives – WOW. John retired at age 30 when he inherited the first of millions from grandpa, and later from dad.

While Linda attended Kaylee’s 9th birthday (Debbie’s youngest) at a bounce business, I attended the Jansson reunion hosted by the Jansson family. About 25 to 30 came, and it was nice visiting. I talked to Dwayne, who I hadn’t seen in 40 some years. Afterwards, I drove Danny back to Derek’s home in Lehi, where he was staying for that weekend.

The next day, Linda & I attended an organ recital at the Cathedral of the Madeline. We were very impressed, with not only the music of two different organists, but the surroundings and awe of the cathedral. Later that week, we saw another play of the U of U called The (Puttan??) County Annual Spelling Bee. It was very good. The next night, two of Steph’s kids slept over while Steph and Jessica attended a workshop Steph had for work at Weber State College. We then got up for Jack’s (Katie’s oldest – 6 yrs) soccer game Saturday morning. Saw a great movie - The Equalizer one night. Read a good book, No God but God.

Steph had us over to The Training Table, her favorite birthday place, for her birthday on the 28th, even though her birthday is on the 29th. We were reminded that Dad’s birthday was the 28th, and Beth
(Linda’s mom) was on the 30th. And Danny’s phone got fixed the next day. And that’s the news from the Days.

Love, Tom & Linda

Day family newsletter for August 2014

Sept. 1, 2014


Linda has gone back to work part time (usually only 2 hrs. per day in the afternoon) for her old boss, Scott Buie. She enjoys the extra money and the “part time” work.
We babysat for Katie and Bill overnight one Friday night, and enjoyed having all three sleep over. Jack slept with me in one bedroom, Sophie with Linda in another, and Hazel in a floor crib next to Linda. Katie is basically over her back surgery, started back to work with her computer set up so she can stand if necessary, and is even exercising a little. Hazel is a real sweetheart and growing in leaps and bounds (3 months old).

Stephanie has signed up for classes at Weber State College on line to get her bachelors, and is enjoying her new job with the state. Jessica started 6th grade, is trying out for choir, is in the orchestra, has signed up for ballroom dancing before school, and is going to run for student council. Sarah is in 3rd grade, and Taylor has started 1st grade. Oh, and Jessica went from being 11 years old just about a year ago, to being 16 years old now!

Stephanie and her kids met Linda and me at the zoo yesterday – they have really upgraded and improved the zoo in Salt Lake – very impressive now. They then slept over, and we drove up to Smith-Morehouse reservoir up above Oakley to meet Jackie/Wiggins/Sydney/Weston & Cole/Jessica/Emry/Jax at their campsite. We enjoyed visiting, the scenery driving up and back, and seeing the 5 fish Cole & Emry caught for the morning.

Wiggins and Jackie came over last weekend and pulled out trees/shrubs from part of our front yard that were overgrown. Linda and I put some new small scrubs/flowers in their place, and it looks great. We also had a company come in and replace our rain gutters in front as the old ones were leaking and in need of repair. Now the only thing left is to put new indoor/outdoor carpet on our porch that is currently in sad shape.

Our garden continues to produce, and lots of flowers fill most of the garden now days, as we would never eat everything if the entire garden was planted with vegetables. We enjoy our backyard, as it is green, lots of flowers/shrubs/trees/privacy. We occasionally barbeque and eat on our patio set, as it is shady in the evening and cooler.
We enjoyed dinner at Buffalo Wings with everyone at Cole’s birthday earlier in the month. And friends Brent & Karen Wilkes (from Redondo) were in from Atlanta one weekend and we enjoyed an evening over dinner with them and Bruce Baird and his friend Kathie.

We drove up to see Stephanie one Saturday, go to a movie and lunch, trimmed her front yard, and helped change light bulbs. Her back yard grass is looking good, and her garden far surpasses our garden in not only size, but how much and how soon it produces each year.

I have enjoyed golfing a few times, and have actually scored closer to what I used to golf a few years ago. My handicap is still high, but I was starting to golf in the triple digits most of the time, as depressing as losing a limb I believe. I’m enjoying my new job, and am glad to have it to keep me busy and active as well as bring in a few dollars to boot. Linda and I dog watched again for Jackie/Wiggins while they were camping. Linda has continued to make dish clothes as a diversion from what she normally crochets. We saw a good move, Magic in the Moonlight, we both enjoy romantic comedies – it was a Wood Allen film. We also had our own camping trip planned one weekend up at the Spruces in Big Cottonwood canyon, but because of cooler temps and rain, canceled it and instead went to a movie with the grandkids – some saw Teenage Mutant Turtles, others How I Trained My Dinosaur 2

It was interesting dealing with Danny’s missing diabetic machine from his Mesa trip to the Rheads, and the multitude of people who got involved in getting a replacement, but a replacement did arrive. Thanks to Shelley, who the following weekend, called to clarify what to do with the other two diabetic machines still at Danny’s apartment, and the follow up that didn’t happen when the new one arrived.

Thanks again Shelley.

And that’s the news, the whole news, and the only true news as reported in this newsletter. If you hear any other version, it’s not authorized, and probably comes from the right wing.

Tom & Linda

Friday, August 1, 2014

Day family newsletter - July 2014

August 1, 2014


Linda and I took a quick 4 day trip to Cedar City to catch some plays and relax. We saw Into the Woods (musical combining Little Red Riding hood/Big Bad Wolf/Jack & the Bean Stock/Cinderella), Sense & Sensibility, and a Neil Simon play Laughter on the 23rd Floor. All were very good, and we enjoyed the time away and relaxing.

I attended the annual guys Cabin Classic 4 day trip another weekend, and as usual, we enjoyed the time golfing, eating Mark Tysuki’s wonderful gourmet dinners, and conversation. The trip was extra special for me, as I won the handicap golf trophy for the first time in 10 years!

We saw a couple of movies, but can only remember the name to one – Echo to Earth. Linda’s been busy crocheting kitchen washcloths like Karin makes. She found a little pamphlet on how to do it, and a lady shopping right next to her explained exactly how to do it. It’s been a change of pace from the quilts/blankets she’s been crocheting for years.

The same day that our two former attorney generals were arrested (the biggest political news in quite some time), Linda got a call from her old boss asking her to come back part time. She accepted. I don’t know which story was bigger – the attorney general arrests, or Linda returning to her old job part time!

Linda’s been bugging me on for a long time to replace the carpet in our bedroom bathroom with tile. I don’t see why, as it’s so nice on bare feet, especially on a cooler morning. And there’s never been an issue with anything splashing on the carpet around the toilet bowl – after all, I would know, wouldn’t I? Now there’s nice new tile, and I have to admit, I kind of like it too.

We watched dogs for Jackie/Wiggins at the beginning of the month. Linda pretty much wrapped up helping Katie after her back surgery. Stephanie’s been keeping busy getting her yard finished, and just completed her parking strip out front with nice decorative rocks instead of grass. Her garden, as well as Katie’s and Jackie’s, are doing very well. Our garden is coming along, and we’ve enjoyed some green peppers, tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries & cucumbers so far. Lots of doctor appointments this month. Katie is getting close to returning to work. Kaylee was going to come over one day, but Linda had to work. Jackie and Wiggins enjoyed a trip to Blanding where Wiggin’s family comes from. We enjoyed a barbeque in their backyard one afternoon for Weston’s birthday (Wiggin’s youngest turned 13). And that’s the news from the Days.
Tom & Linda