Tom & Linda Day

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day Family newsletter Oct. 2011

Oct. 30, 2011

Chest colds have ruled the month of October….first me, then Steph, and finally Linda. I’m over it, Steph’s getting better, but Linda, after going to the Dr. and getting meds, and 2 weeks later getting more meds, one week later went in to the doctor again and found she had pneumonia in one lung. More meds, a lot of bed rest, and hopefully recovery soon.

Despite the illnesses, we were treated to another great performance of Thriller by Odyssey Dance at Kingsbury Hall. We had been the last two years, and weren’t going to go, but Jessica (Steph’s 8 yr. old) begged to take her again. What could we do? Linda and I joined the girls and grandkids one Saturday at This is the Place Park where they had a special Halloween theme – it was really nice. I convinced the conductor of the train that transports you around from spot to spot that my girls were my wives – this after passing Brigham’s winter home where he kept several of his wives. Another night, Stephanie and I went on a daddy/daughter date to a play at the U. Pioneer Theatre – The Tempest. It was absolutely magical!

Our garden produced 5 pumpkins this year, and Steph came over one night with the girls and they carved them all up for us. This happened to be on one of the weekends where we have been watching Steph’s kids while she concentrates on her school classes, but we had a wedding reception, and she took a break to watch the kids while we went to the wedding. Bruce Baird’s daughter Marcie was getting married.

We all getting together at Debbie’s house out in Herriman for Halloween this year. And while doing that, we’ll celebrate two birthdays as well. Jessica turns the big 9, and I turn sixty something. The kids always enjoy Debbie’s street where they do Halloween up big!

Jackie and Wiggins have kept busy helping out with Wiggin’s mom who underwent brain surgery for her brain cancer – she’s doing better than expected.

Debbie brought Kaylee over one Saturday night while she went out, and Kaylee enjoyed staying at Grandma and Grandpa’s house overnight. The next morning, Debbie took Kaylee as well as Steph’s kids to Wheeler Farm and got their faces all painted – check it out on facebook.

Linda and I went to a dinner/play called Witcharama (or something like that) at Gardner Village. It was a group of 5 with a band that sang, danced and put on a witch themed comedy skit throughout and after the dinner that was just top notch and very entertaining. We met up with a couple from my work and enjoyed the Halloween themed evening.

And now, a question….is there life after death?.........or death after life?

I look forward to see who will be the Republican front runner for president for the month of November. And December. I think there are still enough candidates announced to date to take their turns each month.

Here in Utah, our legislators did their 10 year redistricting after the census and made sure each of our 4 congressional districts were made up of at least 62% republicans so that the one lone wolf (or democrat) would be replaced by a republican for sure. And our gun toting state legislator, Carl Whimmer, has already been declared the nominee and winner of our newest 4th district. I’m sure Washington D.C. will love it when he brings his colt 45 holstered to his waist during national legislative sessions. No, not for Halloween, as I’m sure you were thinking…..this is the real west we’re talking about. Yahoo! Gideup, ride um, shoot um, show um who’s headin up this posse.

And that’s the news from the Wild West out here in Zion. Yesiree.

Love, Tom & Linda (although she doesn’t’ take credit)