Tom & Linda Day

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Day Family New - October 2013

November 2, 2013


We’ve somewhat entered the technology world. My new Subaru has blue tooth, and the new I phones we got this past month now are blue toothed to my car. I can now talk to my car, and my car hooks me up via telephone hands free! I know this is probably old news to many of you, but I’ve figured out that my phone is really my computer without a printer, and portable, and a camera, and takes videos, and talks to me and tells me how to drive somewhere, and does my banking, face booking, texting, emailing, etc.

Linda and I took the frontrunner (Salt Lake’s mass transit train) from Murray to Clearfield (next to Syracuse where Stephanie lives). We hadn’t been on a train forever, and enjoyed the ride. During lunch with Steph and the kids while there at a restaurant, I was telling a story about how I hadn’t been on a train since a kid, and how exciting it was to ride a train, yada, yada, yada……when Sarah (Steph’s 7 yr. old), came out with “And blah..blah blah…blah blah”. It was an absolute riot.

A friend of ours, Marie Hansen, passed away from complications from arthritis and donated her body to medical research. Her husband is Phil, the one who hosts our annual Cabin Classic golf getaway every year at their cabin above Oakley. The service was at Red Butte in a beautiful garden type room. One of the speakers was a lifelong friend, Gayle (I believe) Hinckley, the wife of Joseph’s old boss in charge of the church missionary programs. When I told her I was Alisyn’s little brother, she said to make sure I said hi to Alisyn and Joseph for her. Also at this celebration of life for Marie, I ran into Ralph Wakley and said hi – he also said to say hello to Alisyn and Karin for him. Some other familiar names I talked to included Dick Paul, one of the McMaster brothers.

Jack and Sofie (Bill & Katie’s) slept over one night, and we enjoyed having them over. Linda and I saw a couple of good movies – Gravity & Captain Phillips. Danny decided to quit Bishops Storehouse until the weather turns warm again next spring. We attended Jessica’s school orchestra performance at a Jr. High (Jessica – 5th grade, along with 7 or 8 other 5th or 6th graders – are taught by the Jr. High orchestra teacher, and they got to be included with the Jr. High symphony orchestra program). They played three numbers in the beginning orchestra group, and were followed by the advanced orchestra group.

Linda and I saw a good play on Halloween night at the U of U Pioneer Theatre called Other Cities in the Desert. Jessica (turning 11 on Nov. 6th) celebrated her family birthday with me at Jason’s Deli last night. Thanks for the birthday cards and e cards. Besides receiving three good books to read and an emergency kit and gift card, Linda got me a Build-A-Bear dressed up like a doctor with a Dr. Perm nametag, and permed hair. I mentioned I wanted it while at Kaylee’s 8th birthday party in Sept. at Build-A-Bear.

We harvested the last of our garden, received a couple dustings of snow, and yesterday Linda accepted a part time position at Macy’s at South Town Mall in the children’s clothing department thru the holidays. We played a little bingo at the local Catholic Church to support Bill’s mother who sings in their choir and was helping raise money for their recent building expansion at St. Thomas Moore.

And that’s the news from the Days for October. Tom & Linda