Tom & Linda Day

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day family newsletter - October 2010

November 2, 2010


We're celebrating my birthday this coming Saturday and sharing the celebration with Jessica who is turning eight. Stephanie is having a kid's birthday party for her earlier in the afternoon at their local community rec. center, and that night we're going to dinner. Jackie, Katie/Bill/Jack joined Linda and I for a nice dinner last night as they couldn't make the dinner on Saturday. I received my Medicare card in the mail last month, and I'm officially on government health insurance along with all you older ones. Linda paid for my wedding ring to be resized so it wouldn’t keep slipping off. Because I started exercising one year ago and watching my diet, I have lost 26 lbs. My original goal was 30, so I’m close, and will continue with the program. I may even go for 35 lbs.

Jackie and Wiggins hosted a Halloween party this past weekend. They had their place decorated to the hilt and we had fun taking the kids trick or treating around their neighborhood. Other activities surrounding Halloween included going to see Dracula at the U of U Pioneer Theatre. Katie and one of her friends joined Linda and I to see this play. And the week prior to that, Jessica accompanied Linda and I to see Thriller, a dance program put on by a local dance company. We saw it last year, and it was soooo good, we returned this year. Jessica loved the dancing, as that is her forte.

Linda got me a new computer for my birthday - WOW! No more waiting around. The guy tried speeding up my old computer, but he said it was so old (256 K) that there wasn't much that could be done. And a new monitor and printer/fax/copier/scanner!!! When I learn how to work all this new stuff, I'll be up to date.

I saw an obituary in the paper for Edith Mathiesen (they lived right behind us on Hollywood Ave.). I attended the viewing and saw my old friend, Steve Mathiesen. I don't know if you remember him, but his dad, Axel had a basketball court put in their back yard (half court), and that's where we played basketball for years, right across the alley from our backyard. After seeing another childhood friend, Tom Smith at his Dad's funeral, we decided to all get together for some golf. In the old days, the 1960's, Mathiesen, who was one or two years older and could drive, would drive us up to Bonneville golf course where we lall earned to play golf. And we used to play over-the-line at the church baseball field down in the gulley a lot, as well as just hang out, play pool, go on camping trips, and all the normal guy stuff. And I was really shocked to see an obituary for an old friend, Wayne Leighman, in the paper last week. Linda and I picked up Bruce Baird and we all attended his wake. Wayne was in the original Cabin Classic golf group where we all get together for an annual golf outing with the guys. He was married to Jackie's Baird's close friend, Carolyn Davis who attended nursing school at Holy Cross with Jackie. In fact, before anyone got married, I dated Carolyn a few times.

Linda has really gotten into reading the series of books that are used for the HBO True Blood series. She's already on the 7th book of 8. We watched the first two seasons on CD and got hooked. And Linda recently got some new reading glasses, as this is about the only vision problem she has encountered after her cataract surgeries.

We voted this year by mail, and have signed up to do so every year in the future. It is really nice avoiding the lines and parking when you go down in person to vote. Today is the election, and I'm sure there is joyous celebration in several of your homes with the republican wave this year. But it will be a good reminder of the failures of the past that got us into the mess we're in. And things will swing back again, and all will be good.

Major car repair was needed on my little truck, and I almost went out and bought a new car. But then I decided 4 months of the new car payment would pay for the truck repairs…..I’m still driving the truck ):

Shelley joined me this week to attend Danny’s SIS meeting where the State of Utah DSPD rates him on his various life abilities. This is done every 3 years and is used to base the amount of funding they give Tri-Connections/TURN for Danny. It was an interesting meeting and came out OK. Danny recently had his hours at Fresh Market cut to 4 hrs per week (one day), so Shelley and I went over and met Danny’s boss, Rick, and discussed the situation. Bottom line, their business is down (they took over the Albertsons in Utah), the bagger budget has been cut, and Fresh Market just closed the location on Parkway in Orem/Provo, and two baggers were transferred to Danny’s store. Rick, the Front End Manager, was told to utilize the most productive baggers to still get the job done. Because Danny is the least productive bagger, his days were cut from two to one. They had already been cut a few months ago from 3 days to 2 days. Two other baggers were laid off. So I’m going to start a search in the next months on Fridays when I’m available for possible new employment for Danny…..or even volunteer work, such as the Bishops Storehouse (or warehouse). Derek, could you check into this for me? (Deon, if you would forward this to him – thanks). In fact, if any of you nephews/nieces in the Orem/Provo area could check possibilities for Danny, I would appreciate it. Danny seems to want to make a change, not necessarily from a baggers job, but from the location he is at. He let me and Shelley know he does not want to go bowling with RAH, as the noise level and crowds there are too much for him. I’m also going to contact RAH about other activities he might enroll in. They all cost.

And that's the news from the Days. Tom & Linda

November 2, 2010