Tom & Linda Day

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Newsletter from the Days - July 2013

July 31, 2013


We watched July 4th fireworks from the foothills by Linda’s old office building so we could see the whole valley. We spent July 24th going to our local city parade called Butlerville Days, coming home for a barbeque (with Stephanie and her 3 girls), and Steph and the girls put up their tent in our backyard and slept over that night. When it got dark, we watched the fireworks from our street (they were about 5 blocks away so we could see them perfectly).

I purchased a backyard Buddha from the place I shop at for birdseed (Backyard Birds). He’s the jolly Buddha, about one foot tall, made of cement, and resides in a group of aspen in the shady part of our yard. He isn’t far from the location of the cherry tree we had to chop down last month, and is supposed to bring good luck. So far, we’ve had a flat tire, a dentist checkup with no cavities, a virus in our desktop computer, a successful gambling trip to Wendover, some bad news about an investment, a chance to babysit each of our grandchildren age 10 and under, had our cat deliver a mouse to our bedroom at 4 AM one morning, have harvested some of our garden (sugar pea pods, raspberries, strawberries, green peppers, green onions, baby carrots, squash), successfully flushed the live mouse down the toilet after Linda trapped it under a shoe box, and were invited for a nice going away dinner at Joseph and Alisyn’s home (with Danny too). So the Buddha has brought us a little of everything.

I attended the annual Cabin Classic golf get-a-way with friends at Phil Hansen’s cabin above Oakley. We attended a couple of movies – The Croods (a great cartoon for kids and adults too), Monster University, and the Superman movie. As memory is slipping, we may have seen a few of these last month.

I bought a book months ago from the Little Professor’s bookstore in St. George called After Dark. I went there to a book signing for an 80 year old first time author from St. George. He told me he was a retired principal and school teacher, and decided to turn a 20 year old short story (Sci-Fi) into a novel. Anyway, I finished reading it finally, and enjoyed it quite a bit. I will now turn it over to Jessica, Stephanie’s 10 year old, as the author signed the book to both of us. I’m now reading The Help, and Linda is keeping busy organizing the house, her crocheting stuff, crocheting a blanket for one of the grandchildren, exercising her knee, watching grandkids, reading, organizing picture albums, working at her old job here and there (although she is now done except for agreeing to fill in for a vacation as needed), catching up on some soap operas, and just enjoying being home and free to do as she pleases for once in her life.

We enjoyed our two night get-a-way to Wendover, some great food, getting sun burned and drinking a blood mary at the pool, and winning back anything we lost just prior to leaving. A very good time with lots of relaxing. We are looking forward to a week in St. George at the end of August, and will stop at Cedar City to catch two or three plays at the Shakespeare Festival.

And that’s the news, the whole news, and nothing but the true news from the Days.
Tom & Linda