Tom & Linda Day

Tuesday, August 3, 2010



Stephanie had to have her gall bladder out and moved in with us for a week to recover. She also brought their cat, and it was nice to have all the company. Stephanie is feeling fine now, and glad that she won’t suffer any more attacks that feel, quite frankly, like a heart attack. They have been going on for over a year, and the doctor finally agreed that surgery was the answer.

Debbie took two weeks off work to drive Christopher’s car (which had been in storage for the past year in her garage) back to North Carolina as Chris returned from Bahrain to the states. Debbie took Kaylee and Chris’s girlfriend, Jamie with her. They had a great reunion with Chris, did lots of things together while there, and then flew home. Debbie had us babysit her cat while gone, and we got quite attached to it after the first night of meowing stopped.

I took off for our annual four day Cabin Classic trip with the guys. We golfed, ate like kings, and socialized in Phil Hansen’s cabin up above Oakley. We’ve been doing this since the early 1970’s now, and I wonder how much longer it can go on. We never imagined we would be doing this in our sixties. Everyone made it except for John Oakason from Sedona, Arizona due to kidney stones.

Linda and I went to see Hair, the rock musical play from the sixties. It was playing in the Egyptian Theatre in Park City. Oh my, what MUSIC! We had the album and played it a lot when we were first married. And we were shocked when towards the end of the first act every, and I mean every, cast member stripped down to nothing, and I mean, nothing in the middle of a song. Yee gads, holy moly, yikes. It was pretty good, the play, that is.

The 24th of July holiday included a movie and golf and dinner for Linda and me Friday. On Saturday, we met Katie and Jack at the Farmer’s Market on Pioneer Square downtown. Linda and I had never attended this weekly event, and we thoroughly enjoyed the shops for arts and craft, food, fresh vegetable stands, musical entertainment and overall atmosphere. That afternoon, we continued the 24th celebration by going swimming with Steph and her 3 girls at the local community pool, and then watched a local parade in the afternoon. We topped the day off by having a barbeque in our backyard – Debbie and Kaylee also joined us along with Jackie and Wiggins. Debbie brought tons of fireworks, and Wiggins set them off for us in the front yard. Debbie and Stephanie had set up their tents in our backyard, and they all had a sleepover that night. Overall, it was a busy, busy day and night!

Linda treated me to a company sponsored movie/treats one night and we saw The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. A pretty good movie.

The month ended with The Summer Days, a rescheduled and downsized family reunion – but you all know that – some of you were there. We enjoyed the activities up Provo Canyon on Friday, and swimming at D & A’s clubhouse condo on Saturday. Thanks Deon for getting it put together, and Tiffany for the food preparation. Little Sarah (Steph’s 4 yr. old) had a close encounter in the pool after most of us had gotten out and were discussing the antics of a couple who enforced pool rules while we were there. Luckily, Deon saw Sarah’s head under the water, and quickly asked everyone if she could swim. Linda immediately yelled at Danny (who was floating in his illegal oversized tube) to grab her hair and pull her up which he did. Stephanie wasn’t too far behind in diving in and getting her up while she gasped for air and cried. Stephanie had her eyes on Sarah not 10 seconds earlier when she was in the 2 to 3 foot area of the pool, but Sarah apparently walked out to get close to Danny, and quickly was in water over her head. And she had been in her little inner tube the entire afternoon till then. Just goes to show how quickly something can go so wrong in a matter of seconds. Linda and I both woke up the next morning in bed thinking about what could have happened, and couldn’t get back to sleep. Thanks Deon for having such a watchful eye and alerting everyone to Sarah’s situation that afternoon – we just can’t thank you enough.

And that’s the news, the whole news, the true news, and possibly more news that you need. Love,

Tom & Linda